Registration Fees
The registration fees are per registrant. Please plan to register early with AdventSource since no registrations will be taken on-site.
Registration ends February 20, 2025
The price of registration includes all event materials, Friday night meal, Sabbath luncheon, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast and a souvenir gift.
To Guarantee Your Place
Please register as soon as possible. You may register online or call AdventSource (800) 732-7587. All major credit cards accepted. AdventSource will process registrations for this event through February 20, 2025.
Refund Policy
You may request a refund minus a $75 processing fee through December 31, 2024. Please substitute someone to attend in your place if you will not be able to participate in this event.
Tickets are transferrable.
Paying by Check?
Complete the following form with your registration details.
Please mail the completed registration page with your check or money order, paying the exact registration fee, made payable to AdventSource to the address listed below.
No partial event registration payments will be accepted.
AdventSource Event Registration
5120 Prescott Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68506-5433
In order to receive a discounted rate, your payment envelope must be postmarked with the date that rate ends.
Special Note
Failure to provide the completed registration page with your contact telephone number will delay the processing of your event registration. If AdventSource is not able to get complete information within three business days of receipt, your registration check or money order will be returned.
Mail-in Registrations
All registrations sent by mail must be received by noon Thursday, February 20, 2025.
<div style="text-align: center; font-size:22px;"> Registration form submitted. </div> <div style="text-align: center; font-size:22px;"> <br /> </div> <p><span style="font-size: 18px;">Once Advent<em>Source</em> receives your check in the mail, you will receive an email confirmation receipt.</span></p> <div style="text-align: center; font-size:22px;"> <span style="font-size: 18px;">Thank you!</span> </div>