In-Person Training Lake Union
April 4-5, 2025
Join the Lake Union for an in-person Pentecost 2025 training event from Friday, April 4, to Saturday, April 5. Gain valuable insights from experienced leaders across the North American Division, with keynote speaker Mark Finley. Breakout sessions will be available in both English and Spanish. Don’t miss this opportunity to be equipped and inspired for impactful ministry as you prepare for Pentecost 2025.
In Acts 2, one can see how Pentecost dramatically impacted the early church. It marked the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promise to send the Holy Spirit to empower and guide His disciples. On that day, as the Holy Spirit filled Christ’s followers, the church multiplied in number from 120 to 3,000 believers.
The Pentecost serves as a reminder today of the call to engage in mission and evangelism. All of us church leaders and members, play a pivotal role in mobilizing for evangelism. With Pentecost 2025, our goal in North America is to hold at least 3,000 proclamation initiatives in 2025, with 2024 a year of “Preparing for Pentecost.” We are in this together! Let’s take the words of Matthew 24:14 to heart: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (NIV).
Pentecost 2025 is for all Seventh-day Adventist churches across the North American Division. Every member, pastor, teacher, young adult, student, and children is encouraged to participate.
Pastor Mark Finley
Pastor Mark Finley serves as Assistant to the President of the General Conference. As assistant to the president, he continues to work with evangelism and television as his primary portfolio. Pastor Finley and his wife, Ernestine "Teenie," have teamed up in ministry throughout the years. Teenie is known worldwide for teaching natural lifestyle cooking. Together they have been involved in Christian ministry for over 40 years-preaching, teaching and offering spiritual growth workshops, and conducting over 100 evangelistic series that have spanned the globe with sermons translated into over 50 languages. Today, Pastor Finley and Teenie continue their ministry at the Living Hope School of Evangelism in Haymarket, Virginia. From this location, Pastor Finley and Teenie continue from a central place in the ministry they have conducted in over 100 countries world-wide.
Elder Kent Sharpe
Elder Kent Sharpe comes from a long list of pastors in the family, including his father, uncles and cousins. Kent graduated from Southern Adventist University with his bachelor’s in business management. A few years later he passed the CPA and then received his MBA from the University of Baltimore.
Kent has worked for the Seventh-day Adventist Church his entire career, in many capacities including conference auditor, academy business manager, chief controller for Adventist Risk Management, treasurer in two conferences, VP of Finance for Adventist World Radio and currently as the Assistant to the President, Antioch Director, for North American Division. His current position allows him to focus on his passion for evangelism in our big cities. His work allowed him to be part of evangelist efforts in almost 80 countries around the world.
In addition to his love for evangelism, he’s the lucky and thankful husband to Lisa, and father to Allyssa and Zach, both of whom work for the Ohio Conference.
Friday, April 4, 2025
7:00 pm - First General Session | Pastor Mark Finley
Sabbath, April 5, 2025
9:00 am - Second General Session | Pastor Mark Finley
10:30 am - Evangelism Panel Discussion | Ministerial Directors
11:45 am - Third General Session | Pastor Mark Finley
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm - Breakout Session #1
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm - Breakout Session #2
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm - Fourth General Session | Pastor Mark Finley